
City Committees List

Browse City Committees List. Committees are where the city’s various committees and their dedicated efforts come to life, shaping the community’s future through thoughtful collaboration and civic engagement.

Buildings & Grounds

Chairperson: Joe Wolfe
Vice-Chair: Tom Sanford
Committee Member: Myron Buxton

Community Betterment

Chairperson: Myron Buxton
Vice-Chair: Mark Fleck
Committee Member: Eric Clausen

Parks & Recreation

Chairperson: Tom Sanford
Vice-Chair: Myron Buxton
Committee Member: Mark Fleck

Personnel & Finance

Chairperson: Eric Clausen
Vice-Chair: Eric Baltzell
Committee Member: Matt Gray

Safety Services

Chairperson: Matt Gray
Vice-Chair: Eric Clausen
Committee Member: Eric Baltzell

Streets & Alleys

Chairperson: Mark Fleck
Vice-Chair: Joe Wolfe
Committee Member: Tom Sanford


Chairperson: Eric Baltzell
Vice-Chair: Matt Gray
Committee Member: Joe Wolfe

Volunteer Fireman Pension Fund

Chairperson: Eric Clausen
Vice-Chair: Matt Gray