Utility Rates

Electric Rates

Utility payment is due on or before your due date.

All accounts are subject to late penalty of 10% of total gross amount if paid afer the due date. Delinquent accounts remaining unpaid after sixty (60) days will be reported to the Credit Bureau and forwarded for Prosecution. Any Occupant of the Household who owes a utility bill from a different address will result in termination of your Utility Service until paid in full.

Accounts are delinquent and subject to shut-off fifteen (15) days after payment due date of current bill. Tenants and Owners will be notified of pending disconnection. Final bills are due and payable upon receipt. All past due balance is required before re-connection of services

Service Charges

Reconnection Charges
$20 – Inside City Limits – Business Hours
$30 – Outside City Limits – Business Hours
$50 – Inside City Limits – After Business Hours
$60 – Outside City Limits – After Business Hours

Security Lights and Other Flat Rate Charges
$8 – Mercury Vapor/ Sodium Lights + kwh tax

Temporary Electric Service
$75 –  Single Phase Service
Cost Plus 20% – Three Phase Service

Miscellaneous Charges
$30 – Meter Testing – Inside City Limits
$50 – Meter Testing – Outside City Limits


Deposits for Utility Services (Non-Owner)
$180.00 – Electric
$60.00 – Water
$60.00 – Sewer

Deposits for Business/Commercial/Industrial (Non-Owner)
All Commercial customers shall pay a utility deposit in an amount equal to the highest month of the preceding twelve (12) months of utility service or $300.00 minimum.

Water Rates

Water Tapping Fees

The following fees shall be the connection rates charged by the City of Celina Municipal Water System for water meters and services rendered in the performance of installing water service lines and private main extensions.

Service Fees effective February 1, 2005 for all new building units added or built after February 1, 2005:

Up to ¾” Diameter Service Line, including $100 System Impact Fee: $700

For all water line sizes One Inch (1″) in diameter or greater, the fee charged shall be an amount equal to time and materials plus a $100 System Impact fee. The minimum charge, including the System Impact fee: $800

Sanitary Sewer & Stormwater Rates

Ordinance 23-10-O was signed June 21, 2010 which revises Chapter 911, Sewers Generally. Most of the changes to Chapter 911 addresses grease interceptors of food service establishments (FSE’s) including all FSE’s to submit an annual report to the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Stormwater Utility Fees (effective 12/15/2008)

Residential properties
All residential properties will be assigned one (1) ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit). A flat rate service charge of $3.27 shall apply to all residential properties.

Non-residential properties
Non-residential properties will be assigned an ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) multiple based upon each property’s individually measured impervious area (in square feet) divided by 3,083 square feet (1 ERU). This division shall be multiplied by $3.27 and shall be calculated to the nearest whole number and rounded according to mathematical convention.