Frequently Asked Questions

Mayor's Office

A Peddler’s License must be applied for and obtained through the Mayor’s office.

Fee: $30 per calendar year (non-refundable).

Peddlers Ordinance

City Council

Locate your Ward on the Ward Map and then check to see which Council Person serves that Ward.

Public Works Department

Trees in the right-of-way (between the sidewalk and street) will be removed by the Public Works Department.

To report a tree which is of concern please call 419-586-3032

In many cases the problem is in the property owners own sewer or drain line and will require a plumber. The City will check the City’s sewers at your request before a plumber is called. You may call 419-586-3032 Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.


A permit is required for connection, demo or repair to any City utility, including water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer.


Permit fees vary.
A sanitary sewer demo or repair permit is $60.
New sanitary sewer tap permit is $800 ($570 tap fee plus $230 impact fee) plus any assessment per subdivision.
New water tap permit is $700.
Some sewer and water tap permits also come with a county assessment fee.

Sewer & Water Permit Fees

Please call our Utility Department at 419-586-2311.

Please note: Because all new commercial or industrial taps are different it is best to call for pricing.

A permit is also necessary for street openings. (Application can be found on the Forms page) Street opening permits are based on the age of street as well as the square footage of opening made. Street Cut Ordinance


Call the Parks Department at 419-586-1041 at least 2 weeks before your event.

The rental fee is $25 (non-refundable).

Water Distribution

Call the Celina Utilities Office at 419-586-2311 between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday – Friday. After 5:00 pm or on the weekends or holidays all utility calls will be answered at the Celina Police Department.



Virtually ALL new construction requires a permit. This includes additions, sheds, decks, fences, swimming pools and signs. Any time a property changes it’s use, a zoning permit and possibly a meeting with the City Planning Commission is required. When in doubt, call the Engineering office to see if your particular project must have a zoning permit.

A site plan indicating the location and dimension of the lot lines must be submitted to the Celina Engineering Department showing the dimensions and location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures. An application (available here or at the Engineering Office) must also accompany the plan. The overall time for processing is approximately 7-10 days so please plan accordingly. Please note: If your project requires State approval please contact Miami County Building Regulations office ASAP as the review time for State permits is much longer than for City Zoning permits.

The information you will be asked to provide is listed below.

  • Name of owner and address where work is being done.
  • Name of person doing the work if different than the owner, and approximate cost of improvements.
  • You will need to know approximate location of shed, fence, or addition in relation to your property lines and existing buildings on your property.
  • We need to know the height and/or square footage of the structure being built.
  • You will need to stake or mark where the new construction will be placed on your property.

If all items meet our zoning code regulations for your district then a permit will be issued and either mailed to you or can be picked up in our office (at  your request) following approval.

If you have any questions about what to expect please call our office at 419-586-1144.

Click here for zoning permit forms and fees.

Commercial, Industrial, Subdivision New Construction Information

Start by calling our City’s Administration at 419-586-6464. For zoning/planning issues call the City Engineering Department at 419-586-1144.

The City has developed a check list for developers of commercial, industrial or new subdivision construction. Also required is a listing of contractors and subcontractors on a project. Please call 419-586-6464 to discuss your plans with the Administration Offices or 419-586-1144  for the Engineering Department. You can find the aforementioned check list and required contractors information on the Forms page.

As of July 1, 2008 any Commercial, Industrial or Residential (4 units and up) are required to have Ohio State approved plans & inspections through Miami County Building Department. Any questions regarding State regulations, inspections or permit fees should be directed to Robert Bowman at 937-440-8121 or 937-440-8075.


You need to acquire an accessory building permit before the construction of a new dwelling or addition to an existing structure, or the placement of a shed or fence to your property.

If you have any zoning questions, please call 419-586-1144.

A zoning permit as well as a State Building permit is required for most new signs. One is also required for certain changes to existing signs. Permits are required PRIOR to the placement of a new or changed sign. Please call the Engineering Office 419-586-1144 for sign regulations or review those regulations in our Zoning Code Section 1185 on our Planning & Zoning page.

With regards to State permits, ALL commercial signs will must also be reviewed and permitted through Miami County Building Regulations office in Troy. Please call Robert Bowman at 937-440-8121 should you have questions concerning State sign permits.

Business signs (for home based businesses) are not permitted within residential areas without an approved Conditional Use permit. For more information on this issue please call Celina Engineering Department at 419-586-1144.

Also any signs that are placed in the street right-of-way (area between sidewalk and curb) are subject to removal. This applies to ALL signs including real estate and political signs.


Please see our Taxes page.

If you require further assistance, call 419-586-2594.


An Ordinance that will affect rental property owners that you MUST be aware of. To view the ordinance as it is written, please click on the link below. To view a signed copy of the ordinance, please stop by the Engineering Office or Police Department or call 419-586-1144 or 419-586-2345.

To file a complaint with the City of Celina, call our Compliment/Complaint line at 419-432-3000.